
Hi everyone let me tell you a little information about myself. my name is Luhur Eka Putra, but my friend called me by the name Luhur, but my parents called me by the name Eka, but for me it's the same. The name was given by my parents who have definite meanings and hopes, the word Luhur which has meaning or hope can have virtuous character then Eka who has the meaning of the first and last child who has virtuous character.
I was born in a small village in the Comal sub-district of Pemalang district, Central Java on Wednesday, 30 July 1997. I was the first child born to my parents at that time, my mother named Nur Azizah and my father named Sigit Wigiarto both came from Central Java. My mother a housewife she only stayed at home taking care of my little sister and little brother while my father was a private employee in one of the cement factories in the citeureup area. After I got a second child who was named Yoga Unggul Wicaksono then the third child Kayana Shafa Sadina then the fourth and fifth children both were born together but they were not identical twins who were women named Aafiyahna Yara Siwi and Nafis Satya Pambudi.
Physically, I was one of those who were thin and had a height that was not too short, my weight was about 50Kg and height was approximately 170Cm somehow my body could not be more full even though my food was sufficient and I slept enough. On my body there are quite a lot of hair, especially in the legs and hair on my head can also be said to grow very fast, my hair is thin but soft smooth maybe because I often use shampoo and my hair color is all black. Then if I see I have a birthmark on the lower body, which is next to my left leg.
The characteristics that I have include people who are quiet, shy, and don't talk much if they don't know their interlocutor, but I will be open with people who are equally open, I will also be good if there is no social imbalance in it and especially have many similarities . I like to exercise like basketball and swimming, which is my hobby, but unfortunately I am not serious about my hobbies even though I had a dream to become a swimming athlete, but now I am not interested anymore and just make it a hobby and routine exercise.
I am currently undergoing activities as a student at Gunadarma University in the Depok area starting from 2015 until now at the final level of lecture. I chose the Information Systems major at this campus because I really like playing games and just looking for interesting things on the internet therefore I was in high school when I was chosen as the OSIS for IT departemen, my senior high school in citeureup Bogor, Indocement Senior High School majoring in Social Sciences. Before that, I went to Cileungsi 1 Senior High School in Cileungsi area when my house was still in Gunung Putri area so I went to school at Gunung Putri 1 Elementary School and Assalam Kindergarten. Such is the history of education that I have lived.
That's all brief information about myself, thank you.
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